Team support Zivier is available for all your questions


Support is good if solutions are offered

Within Zivier, the support team aims to make you and your organization extremely enthusiastic about the use of the knowledge and learning platform.

Prepare your organization with Zivier

Many of our clients have specific requirements regarding the design and introduction of the development environment and the courses. Our specialists in the Support team are happy to lend a helping hand in this entire process.

Our integrated Zivier webshop and 100% online availability, combined with the user-friendly working environment, make working with Zivier a true celebration.

The first line help desk can be reached directly by phone or e-mail. You can also chat directly with us on the Zivier webshop. Now available during office hours! For questions about technology, the second line is called in to give you the answers as quickly as possible.

Contact with support desk

The support desk is available between Monday and Friday during office hours by tel. +31 6 53155872 and by e-mail at

Monitoring online learning platform

We also support the sale and purchase process of online courses that are published on the platform by trainers and other authors. Various online courses can be found on the Zivier webshop.

Newsletters and webinars

Zivier develops based on questions from clients and technical possibilities. This development process is fast and we would like to keep you informed with newsletters or webinars.

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