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Training courses | The knowledge center offers various forms of training

The knowledge center offers classical training, blended learning, personal guidance, online courses and webinars

Online courses

The qualitative online courses are compiled by educationalists and experts in their knowledge area. Our clients also offer the online courses they have made through the Zivier webshop.

You buy the online courses per employee or directly for your organization. The moment you purchase the course for your organization, you can supplement the course with content and link directly to all your employees.

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A complaint is a unique opportunity to show how good you are. The art of listening to the suffering and, of course, that of the solution focus determines whether you give content in the right way. Click here for the online Complaints Handling course.


You work under certain working conditions, with a focus on safety, health and well-being at work. This online course offers all the theory associated with the certificate.

Online coaching

The online coaching consists of an online learning program and several virtual meetings that provide an immediate answer to the current needs of the employee. Only learn what is strictly necessary.



The interest in individual webinars is growing steadily. The saving in time and direct contact therefore offers many benefits and travel is not required.

Individual online webinar

Very experienced trainers put their training courses on our webshop with or without an online course. The individual or group registrations are arranged quickly.

Classic training via webshop Zivier

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